Sentinel Controlled Loop C Programming

Sentinel Controlled Loop C Programming

Sentinel-controlled Loop C++


A sentinel value is a special value used to terminate a loop when reading data. In the following program, test scores are provided (via user input). Once the sentinel value of -1 is input, the loop terminates. At that point, the average of the test scores will be printed. .Sentinel-controlled loop –Expect specific input value to end loop.Endfile-controlled loop –End of data file is end of loop.Input validation loop –Valid input ends loop.General conditional loop –Repeat until condition is met while wh ilec ondt: statements x=1 while x. General Event-Controlled WHILE Loop As noted in the introduction of this lab, controlled loops may use any logical expression to control execution of the loop. We have classified certain event controlled loops as sentinel, end-of-file-controlled, and flag-controlled while loops. The following is an example of a while loop that is a general. In this program, the outer loop is executed for 12 times (each per month), and the inner loop is executed until a sentinel value is encountered. FIGURE 5.13 is a program containing a double for loops, where the inner loop is controlled by the outer loop, by using the current control-variable value of the outer loop as the bound of the control.

Sentinel loop programming

Sentinel Controlled Loop C Programming Examples

Sentinel Controlled Loop C ProgrammingSentinel

C++ Sentinel Loop

I'm completely new to programming, as I am taking COP 1000. I only know what's been taught. This is the assignment that's being asked of me:
In this part you will write a C program to solve a problem described in English.
Create a sentinel controlled while loop that will ask the user to enter student grades until a value of -1 is entered. Use a counter variable to count all the grades that are passing grades, where 70 is the minimum passing grade. If there are any grades that are out of the range 0 – 100, present an error message to the user, and do not count that grade as passing.
Create 4 test cases. Use this as one of them:
Grades Entered: Expected Results
123 “That is not a valid grade!”
-1 You entered 4 passing grades.
I can not for the life of me figure this out. Where I'm getting stuck is trying to get the program to calculate the total passing grades at the end.
This is what I've got so far. It's very amateurish I'm sure. The reason why I was trying to convert the grade to '1' is because I was trying to make that accumulate to create a number of total passing grades. I've been on this for hours and I've realized that that method probably won't work. However, I don't know what to do. This is due tomorrow and I can't figure out how to do this.
The code is below: