I'm looking for database administration tools for MariaDB, I've used HeidiSQL on a PC and live this, but I understand it isn't available for a MAC.
Heidisql free download, and many more programs. HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MySQL server, Microsoft SQL databases and PostgreSQL. It enables you to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events.
What Is HeidiSQL For Mac HeidiSQL is free software, and has the aim to be easy to learn. 'Heidi' lets you see and edit data and structures from computers running one of the database systems MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL or PostgreSQL. Heidisql is by far the best tool. I have been looking at commercial alternatives on the mac, and they are a joke in terms of functionality. If some company were to sell a mac version of heidisql I would gladly pay £60 for it. Ansgar posted 1 year ago.
Answer Answered by Jan Steinman in this comment.
There are numerous Mac OS clients for MySQL, all of which work for MariaDB, although you generally have to use SQL statements to use MariaDB features like virtual columns, etc.

Heidisql Mac Os
First off, if you run a web server, you can use phpMyAdmin, which is nice because it will work on any platform that has a web browser. It has some quirks and has gotten slower over the years, so I don't use it very much now.
My favourite is Sequel Pro (http://www.sequelpro.com). It's free. I wish it could identify foreign keys with a tooltip, like phpMyAdmin does, but it at least gives you a link, so you're one click away.
Another one I like is Querious. (http://www.araelium.com/querious/) I would use it more often but for a silly reason: i can't remember its name! I think it costs something, but not very much. It has a nice boxes-and-lines graphical schema view that Sequel Pro lacks.

I also have downloaded other tools from the Apple Store, such as Toad, Metabase, LamaFree, and more. Most of them, I fire up, play with for a bit, then go back to my favourites above.
Hope this is helpful!
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