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Microsoft Xbox Information
Xbox is the first gaming console developed by Microsoft. It appeared on the market in November of 2001 in order to compete with already settled giants such as PlayStation 2, Dreamcast by Sega and GameCube by Nintendo. Xbox was the first independent project of Microsoft's on the gaming consoles market after a joint project with SEGA Company to develop a version of the Windows CE operating system for the Dreamcast console. Anyhow, Microsoft have finished second in number of units sold leaving Sega and Nintendo behind, but still lost the first place to the PlayStation 2 by a large margin. The Microsoft was a huge Company by that time and it was dominating various IT sectors. It helped the Company to enter the gaming consoles market easily and even push the existing players to the side. Later the battle on the game consoles market continued with next generation of Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
Initially, Xbox was named DirectXbox in order to emphasize the use of DirectX API in the console. When it was first announced, the Company which purchased the rights to sell the console didn’t like the name. With Internet-based survey, which included 20 names variations the “Xbox” name was voted the most and it became the new name of the Microsoft Console. By the time it was released it had the first in gaming consoles built-in hard disk drive used to store games, saves files and other necessary content. So, there was no need to purchase additional external storage devices like on Amiga CD32, Sega CD and Saturn and other. Although it was possible to copy game progress to other Xbox devices with the help of removable 8Mb SSD cards.
On November 15 of 2002 Microsoft launched its first online gaming subscription service called Xbox Live. By purchasing the subscription plan users could download games directly to the internal hard drive. At first users were unfamiliar with such a service and after the launch only 250 thousand subscribers have signed up, however, after a while the number of subscribers have grown to 1 million in 2004 and reached milestone of 20 million by May 2009.
Unfortunately, you won’t able to purchase the new Xbox Original at the moment. You can only look up for some used consoles, however keep in mind that it was discontinued in March 2009. But there is good news for Xbox lovers. Currently you can play your favourite Xbox roms games such as 007 - Agent Under Fire, 187 Ride Or Die and other with Xbox emulator. Simply download the Xbox emulator from our website and play Xbox roms on your home computer or any other smart device. Xbox ISOS of the most popular games are available on our website.
It seems that the original Xbox can be 'forced' into Hi-Defenition mode. In the following video the user claims that the original Xbox can be forced into High Definition mode and allows all original Xbox games to be in HD, even if they were only meant for standard definition. Therefore the standard 480p games can be played in 720p and 1080i HD upscaled.
To connect the original Xbox to a HDTV you must have a High Definition AV Pack. High defenition is accessed via component cables, these are the best video cables for the original Xbox, HDMI is not accessible. The original Xbox allows up to 1080i HD. There are plenty original Xbox games that offer HD support as well as emulators.
*concerning the PAL region, your original Xbox must have a softmod installed to access HD settings
Instructions for forced High Definition:

- Enter 'settings' from the Xbox dashboard
- Enter 'video'
- Choose 'normal' video mode
- Choose 'yes' for 480p, 720p and 1080i
- Return to the Xbox dashboard
- Hold the following buttons together left trigger, right trigger, left analog stick (button), right analog stick (button)
- Your original Xbox is now in forced HD mode. The mode will remain even after shutting off the Xbox. To resume your Xbox to standard simply re-do the steps prior.
The following HD formats are supported for Gaming
480i/480p/576i/576p output at 480p (Not Scaled)
480i/480p/576i/576p output at 720p (Upscaled)
480i/480p/576i/576p output at 1080i (Upscaled)
*720p & 1080i resolutions are not supported, at any output resolution
Original Xbox For Sale
Original Xbox Supported Video Formats and Resolutions
This is a comparison table of common video-codecs to show what the original Xbox 733Mhz PIII CPU and 64MB RAM can handle. Click on image to enlarge.
(click on image to enlarge)

Hold down the right and left trigger and click down the left and right control sticks to force the Xbox into HD.
High Definition AV Pack is the official way the original Xbox was meant to display high definition.
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