AQW Bot List
Requirements: 1. Grimoire 3.8 or Cetera 2. The bot (Grimoire version or Cetera version) Download links listed here: PLAYLISTS: AQW h. Bone-tired Backup: +400 Rep; Reconnaissance Route: +500 Rep; Fight Against Shadowed Light: +600 Rep; Camouflage: Skelly-Style: +700 Rep; De(ad)ception: +800 Rep; New Recruit: +100 Rep; Artix's Quests. Decent Into Darkness: +250 Rep; Golden Armored Daimyo: +500 Rep; Reforging The Blinding Light: +250 +500 Rep; Secret Order of Undead Slayers. AQWorlds Wiki » Items » Classes (Reputation) Sort by: Classes - Weapon Damage - Rare - Reputation - Seasonal - Specialoffer - Tier-Two Legend - Non-Rare Legend Free Player - Non-Rare Free Player AdventureCoin - Non-Rare AdventureCoin. Auto updating list of all Reputation Classes.
Shaman (rank 10 Arcangrove), Stonecrusher (rank 10 Arcangrove-Mythsong-Brightoak), Chaos Slayer (rank 10 chaos), Blaze Binder (rank 10 Embersea-Doomwood), Glacial Berserker (rank 10 Glacera but it's a. Northern Defense Rep Frostval Locations: Syrrus - IcePike Cave; Syrrus - IceWind Pass; Syrrus - IceWind War; Note: Only available during the Frostval event.

Chaos Rep Bot
Chaos Militia Rep Bot
ChronoSpan Rep Bot
DoomWood Rep Bot
Dreadfire Keep Rep Bot
Dwarfhold Rep Bot
Etherstorm Rep Bot
Evil Rep Bot
Faerie Court Rep Bot
Good Rep Bot
Horc Rep Bot
Lycan Rep Bot
Mythsong Rep Bot
Ravenloss Rep Bot
Sandsea Rep Bot
Swordhaven Rep Bot
ThunderForge Rep Bot
Troll Rep Bot
Vampire Rep Bot
Corrupt Draconic Paragon Set Bot
Dark Crystal Shard Bot
Fresh Soul & Unidentified 36 Bot
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Bot List
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Parts Bot
Legion Token Bot
Tainted Gem Bot
Totem & Gem of Nulgath Bot
Aqw Class Rep Farm
Aqw Reputation